Saturday, November 7, 2015

Pay DUES before the increase and save money!

2016 dues now payable!

Avoid the dues increase and pay ahead!

The Gathering voted to raise dues as of January 1, 2016, from $30 to $36 per person (and to $72 per couple without the previous couple’s discount). The decision has been delayed the last few years. Now seemed the appropriate time in the light of recent pension and salary increases and the need for extra funds to assist Steering Committee members’ travel to the UMMA Steering Committee meeting, the annual Gathering and GBGM Board meetings. New Life dues will also be in effect.

Dues may be paid in advance at the 2015 rate for as many years as you choose, including at the couple’s rate — just be sure to designate which years you are paying.

Checks may be sent to our current treasurer is DarEll T. Weist through the end of December. . Send him a check for your 2016 and future dues! Or go to <> to link to our PayPal account to pay your dues. (Our new Chair Katherine Parker <> will be experimenting with sending reminder invoices from PayPal to make dues payment even easier.)

Send checks to DarEll T. Weist, 619 Leyden Ln, Claremont, CA 91711-4236 before the end of the year to qualify for the old rate instead of the new!. If you have questions, his email address is <>.

After January 1, 2016, Alina Saucedo Paucara , stationed in Nicaragua, will assume the formal bookkeeping duties of treasurer. Harkening back to an earlier era, Jim Dwyer will be her U.S.-based assistant or — as the title used to be — coordinator to receive and deposit checks on her behalf. His address is 787 Plymouth Road, Claremont, CA 91711-4249.

Here is a statement of new and old dues levels:

Old Rates vs. New Dues Rates:

One year at a time

        Singles before January 1, 2016:        $30

                after January 1, 2016:         $36 (= $3 / month)

        Couples before January 1, 2016:         $50

                after January 1, 2016:         $72(= 2 x $36 = $6 / month)

        Affiliates before January 1, 2016         $20

                after January 1, 2016        $25

Lifetime members paying before January 1, 2016, by age of older partner

        Under 75         $450 (=$30x15) for singles;         $750 (=$50x15) for couples;

        Over 75 $300 (=$30x10) for singles; $500 (=$50x10) for couples;

        Affiliates $300 (=$20x15)

Lifetime members paying after January 1, 2015, by age of older partner

        Under 75         $540 (=$36x15) each or $1,080 (=2x$36x15) for couples

        Over 75         $360 each (=$36x10) or $720 (=2x$36x10) for couples

        Affiliates $375 (=$25x15)

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